1Jun 6, 2019
Coral reefs worldwide are threatened by a variety of human impacts. Fishing is among the most pressing threats to reefs because it occurs on most reef systems and fundamentally alters food webs. Meanwhile, observing coral reefs, particularly remote, hard-to-access locations such as the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), remains notoriously difficult and expensive. But a University […]
2May 6, 2018
“Lady Lex.” “Gray Lady.” “The Blue Ghost.” All of these were names given to the United States aircraft carrier USS Lexington. Launched in October of 1925 and named for the earliest battle of the American Revolutionary War, the Lexington was a cornerstone of the naval fleet for the United States and served its entire time […]
3Mar 31, 2018
Evidence shows that human activities, including overfishing, oil spills, pollution, and climate change are altering ocean environment beyond their natural state over the last few decades. According to numerous scientific studies, marine species are declining in many places, which impacts on the marine ecosystems and may lead to undesirable consequences for the biodiversity. We need […]